
Request for Tenancy Approval

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Request for Tenancy Approval
Housing Choice Voucher Program
U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development
Office of Public and Indian Housing
OMB Approval No. 2577-0169
exp. 7/31/2022
The public reporting burden for this information collection is estimated to be 30 minutes, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is authorized to collect the information on this form by Section 8 of the U.S. Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 1437f). Form is only valid if it includes an OMB Control Number. HUD is committed to protecting the privacy of individuals’ information stored electronically or in paper form, in accordance with federal privacy laws, guidance, and best practices. HUD expects its third-party business partners, including Public Housing Authorities, who collect, use maintain, or disseminate HUD information to protect the privacy of that information in Accordance with applicable law.
When the participant selects a unit, the owner of the unit completes this form to provide the PHA with information about the unit. The information is used to determine if the unit is eligible for rental assistance. HUD will not disclose this information except when required by law for civil, criminal, or regulatory investigations and prosecutions.
9. Structure Type
10. If this unit is subsidized, indicate type of subsidy:
11. Utilities and Appliances
The owner shall provide or pay for the utilities/appliances indicated below by an “O”. The tenant shall provide or pay for the utilities/appliances indicated below by a “T”. Unless otherwise specified below, the owner shall pay for all utilities and provide the refrigerator and range/microwave.
12. Owner’s Certifications
a. The program regulation requires the PHA to certify that he rent charged to the housing choice voucher tenant is not more than the rent charged for other unassisted comparable units. Owners of projects with more than 4 units must complete the following section for most recently leased comparable unassisted units within the premises.
The owner (including a principal or other interested party) is not the parent, child, grandparent, grandchild,sister or brother of any member of the family, unless the PHA has determined (and has notified the owner and the family of such determination) that approving leasing of the unit, notwithstanding such relationship, would provide reasonable accommodation for a family member who is a person with disabilities.
c. Check one of the following:
13. The PHA has not screened the family’s behavior or suitability for tenancy. Such screening is the owner’s responsibility.
14. The owner’s lease must include word-for-word all provisions of the HUD tenancy addendum.
15. The PHA will arrange for inspection of the unit and will notify the owner and family if the unit is not approved.